Strategic Plan
Our mission is to provide graduate students with an exceptional education in international affairs in order to prepare them for careers and leadership positions in both the private and public sectors. The School of International Affairs fulfills this mission through a flexible, innovative, interdisciplinary graduate degree program taught by elite faculty, and experiential learning, including internship and education abroad opportunities.
Penn State SIA will be one of the world’s preeminent international affairs programs by creating informed, independent thinkers and concerned, responsible citizens to be a well-prepared cadre of professionals ready to help the world adapt and prosper. Our graduates and faculty will make significant, global contributions through cutting-edge engaged research, innovative experiential teaching, customizable curricula, relevant outreach and professional service.
Our graduates will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and values the world needs to adapt to the current international affairs’ challenges, like climate change and a global pandemic, as well as future ones not yet identified. The School will offer a welcoming, multinational, inclusive and individually adaptable learning environment for a diverse student body. The School will conduct cutting-edge research on a wide array of global and international affairs issues with a specific focus on interdisciplinary approaches to sustainability. In order to amplify the impact of its contribution to global sustainability, peace and professionalism in international affairs, SIA will cultivate a network of collaboration on Penn State campuses, nationally, and globally. We will maintain a lifelong commitment to the careers of our students.